Friday, August 31, 2012

Monday, September 4:
No school!

Tuesday, September 5:
1.  Binder Reminders/Calendars
2.  Continue Elements of Fiction
3.  Calvin and Hobbes
HW: DMH Final Draft

Wednesday, September 6:
1.  Quick Writes
2.  Continue Elements of Fiction
3.  Calvin and Hobbes
HW: Study your Elements of Fiction vocab.  CFA#1 TOMORROW.

Thursday, September 7:
1.  Quick Writes
2.  CFA #1

Friday, September 8:
1.  Quick Writes
2.  Library Orientation/Destiny Quest
Dialogue Practice
Erik: "You may go to jail, or you may go to Camp Greenlake."
Sheyla:  "Do you like jewelry?"
Erik: "Hey! Where were you born?"
Sheyla: "He is just a little late."
Erik: "Ella, go and get your coat."
Sheyla: "I told you to keep your mouth shut, Erik."
Erik: "It's a parking sticker for the university."

Thursday, August 30, 2012

1.  Start filling out your schedule on the BTSN sheet.
2.  Get out your "Mrs. H. in Paris" notes.
3.  Get out your vocabulary sheet.

Merci beaucoup!  (That means "Thank you" in French.)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Set up a piece of paper in MLA format.  Title it "Mrs. H. in Paris."

Write your name on the chart I gave you when you came in the door.

Good Morning!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly Agenda 8/27 to 8/31

Monday, August 27:
1.  Binder Reminders/Calendars
2.  Dear Mrs. Hislop
3.  Crests
HW: Finish your crest. Due TOMORROW, 8/28.

Tuesday, August 28:
1.  Accelerated Reading Testing
2.  Crests DUE.
HW: Work on DMH.  Due 8/31.

Wednesday, August 29:
1.  Quickwrites
2.  Start Elements of Fiction
HW: Study your Elements of Fiction Vocab Sheet.  Work on DMH (Due 8/31).

Thursday, August 30:
1.  Quickwrites
2.  Continue Elements of Fiction/Calvin and Hobbes
HW: Study your Elements of Fiction Vocab Sheet.  Remind the folks at home that it is BTSN.  DMH DUE TOMORROW.

Friday, August 31:
1.  Quickwrites
2.  Finish Elements of Fiction/Calvin and Hobbes
HW: Study your Elements of Fiction Vocab Sheet.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, August 20:
1. General Info
HW: Bring a pencil tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 21:
1. Rules and Procedures
HW: Get forms signed by MONDAY, AUGUST 27.

Wednesday, August 22:
1. Finish Rules and Procedures
2. Rules Test
HW: Same as last night.

Thursday, August 23:
1. Crests
HW: Crests (Due Date TBA)

Friday, August 24:
1. Crests (Due Date TBA)